The body can survive weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without oxygen. Every cell of the body requires a continuous supply to generate energy, detoxify the body and maintain healthy cells. Any reduction in the availability of oxygen to the body, whether by poor posture and breathing, deoxygenated water and refined foods, smoking, lack of exercise, environmental pollution or exposure to carbon monoxide, reduces the optimal performance of these essential cellular functions.

As a lack of sufficient oxygen is a major cause of poor health, leading to conditions such as arthritis, low immunity, constant tiredness, cancer, regular colds and flu’s, hay fever, migraine, low vitality etc., when the body is flooded with an activated form of oxygen, namely ozone, people consistently report that these conditions as well as their general health, wellbeing and energy levels dramatically improve.

Ozone (O3) is activated oxygen (O2), and in a short period of time, the O3 molecule will revert back to oxygen. During this short half-life cycle, the O3 molecule can, therefore, be utilized for sanitation and sterilization purposes. Ozone inactivates viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungus and protozoa.

  • Promotes metabolism
  • Detox the body
  • Reduce chances of development and spreading of cancer
  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Purifies the blood and lymph system
  • Reduce chances of shock and stroke
  • Prevents/reverses degenerative diseases
  • Eliminates auto-immune diseases